Thursday 14 October 2010

We need a plan Charles.

So I need to write up a plan for my copy. It means placing in order which sections of my theme I'll cover first. All I know right now is where to start and where to finish. Here's what I reckon:

+ Build up, motive, perspective from the missing person.
+ Arriving in new destination (bewildered/panic) or other.
+ Eventuallity and consequence, where does the missing person end up. Essentially, what route does their life take since "running away" or simply going missing.

+ Cut to family. Initial reactions during the first 24 hours. Accepting it. Time winds on and tensions rise as it seems the brother/sister/mother/father have been gone so long.
+ Panic and utter fear for the child or parent. (Need to place focus on the phases of loss and emotional states that follow on from realisation.
+ Seeking help. Police, social services, private investigators.
+ Constant worry and concern, although progress may be made a familie's grief is unstoppable.
+ Relationship between family and social services/police.
+ Result of the search.

+ Police perspective; how a search is carried out and investigated.
+ How long a search lasts.
+ Interference from family members.
+ Result of search from police perspective.

+ The purest relief and out pour of emotion when the missing person is finally found.
+ Persistance of familie's search after the police find nothing.
+ A familie's grief (giving up) / or relentless dedication to persue the search.
+ The support of other friends and family.

+ Return to the story of the missing person themselves. Still missing? Presumed dead?
+ How long has it been since they've been missing? Months, years? Are they living a healthy life alone? Homeless?

+ List of foundations that support missing persons (maybe touch on shelters (Shelter) and the work of the police force.


It may mean I have to add to this list as it's all I can think of at the moment. I intend to start work on write-ups very soon, maybe this weekend just to get a start. I'll also have to calculate how much writing I might have to do in order to cover the certain percentage of my 24 pages.

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