Saturday, 20 November 2010


It might be apparent that by the mass of music videos I've posted over the past couple of months I like music. And I'am. I don't dedicate, but devote alot of time every single day to listen to an album that resonates and shapes my mood, whether it's extrovert and open; or enclosed, dark and angsty. For me this was my favourite album of 2008. I'd heard the one song "Look For The Woman" twice previous, and it set me on the path of eventual fandom, loving every single song of this album ever since.

This album's by the underrated geniuses that are Dan Le Sac vs Scroobius Pip, and the album's called Angles. It's a diverse masterpiece of insightful wonder and depth that a large majority of standardised pop acts simply lack. And it might be an acquired taste, but this album (although the case is damaged) will always be in the top ten.

"Maybe I'am a genius or maybe I just think alot" - Scroobius Pip


  1. Music is king, it is the thing that connects our spirit to our inner self. Thats how we are able to get 'lost in music'. I have been lost in music for a long time and I continue to be. this weeks musts....

  2. Always love Supergrass (try St Petersburg)! don't mind that Datarock song...
    Oooooh I live Turin Brakes, I must hear more!
    Thanks ykhya
