This post follows on from my previous post about meet Neuroesthetics Professor Semir Zeki. Here's a section of his email reply:
"I am very pleased to learn that I was able to communicate something of interest during my visit.
Of course, it would be a pleasure to maintain contact. For immediate gratification, may I recommend the following:
Our recent paper entitled Towards a brain-based theory of beauty. You can access this by going to our website at; go to Papers in the left hand column and type in the paper, which can be downloaded. Although the paper is technical, you can skip all the details and read the abstract and introduction, and then the discussion, from "Towards a definition…." onwards.
The other publication I would recommend is my book, Splendours and Miseries of the Brain. Here again, I suggest that you skip the first 50 pages, and start from Part II. You can return to Part I later."
I' am really glad Semir could recommend these papers, it should make some really intelligent reading. And as I've said before, it's exploring a new ground of learning which directly relates to art.